Chile's National Air and Space Museum need information for the restoring of their Miles Hawk Major, version M.2R, built as single seater with increased range, chilean registration CC-FBB, c/n 257, named "Saturno". It was shipped to Chile in December 1935 for Mr. Franco Bianco, who flew a series of long distance flights. These comprised Magallanes, over the Andes at 12.000 ft, then 1,150 miles non stop to Puerto Montt, flying time 9 hr. 55 min., then a further flight of 6 hr. on 9th June to Santiago. After this, a further recrossing the Andes back to magallanes via Buenos Aires. Actually this plane is under restoration at the Air Museum in Santiago, as a twin seater, and they haven't pictures that show how are the cockpits, seats, windshields, and details of the plane: landing gear, tires. If you have any info about this plane, or you know about people that have the right information, please just contact me. Above is a photograph of the plane, taken by Alvaro Romero Pérez on July 1995.